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Crested gecko toe twitching

22 11:42:36

Dear Jennifer
I have a female gecko who is just over a year old (not breeding or any intention to).My crested gecko's toes are violently twitching and I'm concerned. I noticed after hearing her scratching around and so picked her out. Her legs kept spasming upwards with each step as though she couldn't walk properly and did not seem to use her toes. This stopped and she was walking again comfortably in less than a minute but all her toes are spasming individually when she is still. She appears to be walking and gripping okay now but her toes are still twitching.
A bit about her if it will help - She eats well though only on locusts and jelly pots (She initially had komodo crested gecko diet but by the fact that it dried up, I could tell she wasn't eating it), has water sprayed daily and a water pot and has a 50w infrared bulb by Komodo on 24/7.
Have you any idea what might be wrong? I have only just noticed it and am uncertain what to do. I don't give her any supplements simply because of the range and my uncertainty about them - she has been happy and healthy all the time I have had her which is from very small and has never had any. From other forums calcium deficiency is mentioned but often for breeding females.
I am 18 so would be grateful if there is anything that you might be able to suggest as a home solution before any vetinery opinion is sought (though of course I would if necessary). Are supplements the answer? If so, if you could suggest brand and type o would be grateful.

Many Thanks,


It sounds as though your gecko has neurological problems, probably caused by a lack of calcium.
Your gecko should have calcium supplementation even if you do not plan to breed her, particularly since her diet is fairly limited. Repashy brand is a good one. You do not want to get a callcium supplement with d3 for your gecko. Look for plain calcium.

Also, make sure you have a temperature gradient in her enclosure. There should be a hot side and a cooler side to also for thermo-regulation.  

Other than those suggestions, there isn't much help I can offer, particularly without being able to see the problem for myself. If things do not improve with calcium, I would take her to the vet.

I'm sorry I didn't answer this question earlier, I didn't get a notification that I had a pending question,

All the best to you
