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Leopard Gecko 991.

22 14:03:33

Ok, so about a year ago my brother convinced my parents to get him a
leopard gecko. At first, she was awesome and appeared healthy in every way.
I'm not a big fan of anything without fur, but i like this little gecko. Over time,
my brother's been neglecting his duties and since the tank is in his room, I
rarely see the gecko.

I went to check on her and was horrified at her appearance. She is MUCH
smaller, her tail has gotten thin, she just got a sunburn due to my brother
leaving the lights on too long, and has shed all her skin. I've been misting her
with tepid water and she has vitamins but I'm really worried. She seems
listless and I can see by the way she is laying on the sand that she's ill. My
brother has given up on her, as she's been to a vet before, but I want to help
her. Suggestions?

 Have her seen by the vet first for rehydration and maybe a blood panel to make sure her kidneys haven't started to fail.  The vet may have some Carnivore Care to give her by syringe. or he may tube feed her.  Getting fluids and nutrition into her is primary as long as she still has kidney function.