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gecko not eating

22 13:52:57

Hi my gecko is about 5 years old and i've recently been given her, she seems very happy in her tank, but i have noticed she hasn't eaten her crickets or meal worms. im getting very worried, she doesn't seem ill, but i do worry about her as i am very fond of her. any help on this would be great.

 If she is in a new environment, she may be going through what is called relocation stress.  This can last for a few days to a week while she's becoming acclimated to her new surroundings.  Make sure she is well hydrated during this time with a pan of clean water every day and frequent mistings.  Sfter you've had her two weeks, have a fecal test done at a good reptile vet.  Stress causes a rise in gut parasites which can also cause a lack of appetite.