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skin color

22 15:10:19

What word describes the action or ability of some reptiles, particularly the Anolis/chameleon, to change the color of their skin?

Is it a different process when associated with fear, mating, or hunting?

Hi Chris,

 Good question! Don't know of a word per se - other than camouflage or mimicry.
 Color changes can be associated with temperature as well as behavior or emotional state such as anger ( Chameleons turn black ), territorial display, willingness to mate, or even status within their "Community". The process is the same whether it is for thermoregulation or expression of emotional state. There are cells just under the skin, containing pigment. These cells can expand or contract to produce color changes on the skin's surface.

 Hope this helps on your questions.

     Good Luck.


         Cecelia Ericson