Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Mali Uromastyx has a twitch

Mali Uromastyx has a twitch

22 13:31:18

QUESTION: Hi, My Mali Uro has a twitch in her side and her toes. She
doesn't seem to be aware that she doing it. At first it was
jus the toe n now the side is doing it. Do you think something
is wrong? Thanks you for you time. Christine

ANSWER: OK first off I am almost positive that its a calcium deficiency making itself known by involuntary muscle contractions because the calcium is being taken from the body as it is essentially robbing itself.  Now then, that being said.  Start immediately feeding a regular diet of mixed greens with a calcium and vitamin supplement such as Sticky Tongue Farms and I would also recommend you go to my website and read the caresheet on Uromastyx which will help you further.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have trouble getting her to eat. She is very picky. I feed dandelions, peas, zucchini, summer squash, green beans, carrots, and bird seed.  She doesn't like any fruit I've tried, and won't eat kale, or escarole at all.She used to love the peas n dandelions, Now she only eats the flowers and occasionally the greens. She jus picks at everything. Most of it goes to waste.   I also have a smaller, Niger uro with her he's not as picky as her.

OK, are they housed together?  If not then what I would do is mix the foods really well so she cant pick out what she likes.  I would also recommend the dry 7 bean soup beans.  I would also recommend reading Douglas Dix at as he has a lot of experience with Uros.  There is also a Yahoo Group dedicated to Uromastyx care that I am a part of as well.  Besides the caresheet on my site you can also find my Uro book at which will have all the information you need as well.  I would try also varying the greens that are being fed to her as well as some are bitter and other taste better.