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Bearded dragon heat source

22 14:13:17

I work at home and my dragon is free to run while I'm working.  He spends most of his time on a power source for my foot pedal and I would really like to supply similar heat to his cage.  There must be a way other than light bulbs or heat rocks but I can't find one.  The power source seems perfect..warm, never hot.  Suggestions?

Hello Carol,

Well, your beardie will do just fine with just a basking light & a UVB light.  They really don't need any underbelly heating.  
If you have overhead lighting combined with underbelly heating, it can overheat them.
If you want something that would provide heat if he is in his tank but not under his basking light, you could try a rice sock.  What you do is get an old sock & fill it with rice & microwave it for a few minutes to get it warm.  Be careful as it can get hot, so put a towel in between him & the rice sock to avoid any burns.  
I hope this helps out.
