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egg laying problem

22 11:52:07

Hi i have two 1 year old bearded dragons a male and a female and my female layed 1 egg so i felt her belly and i could feel lots more and i got some more substrate for her and she layed 17 more and then stopp i tried to feed her but she didnt want it and i was told a warm bath was good for it so i gave her a bath and i put her back in her viv and she layed two more stuck together and i felt her belly and i could feel a couple more and that was about a week ago and she hasnt layed the ones in her belly and im really worried about her and i want to take her to the vet but i have no money

Hello Tony,

I did respond on your other question.  I have another comment now.
If you have a male & female together, they need to be separated as they are too young to breed.  She is not an adult yet & this can cause some health issues.
Keep working with the baths & increase her oral fluids & calcium intake for a short while to help in case she is calcium deficient right now.  
Is she eating anything at all?
