Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > My uro has not had a normal BM in months now

My uro has not had a normal BM in months now

22 13:36:21


My Bubba
i have had my uro for 7 yrs now the last couple of months he has not been having a full bm!its been just a tiny very some amount!!i know that this time of the year he normally go's less often but it had always been a full amount when he go's! so i have cut down on his food in take & been soaking him every day in luke warm water.also i have given him a tiny bit of oil(in which he seem to like only my uro would)i also massages his belly, its helped a lil bit but he is still not having a full bm!through all of this he is wanting to eat and still very active. im not sure what more to do.please does anyone know of a herbal remedy that is safe for uros?!? If not my next step is bring him to a vet.ty

Hi Shorty:

You did not mention what you were feeding him but either way, your best choice is to seek out a good reptile vet. If his main food is crickets, that's the problem. Go with a vet, prolonging it will only make matters worse. Sorry I could not have been more help.
