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Waterdragon wont eat

22 11:52:08

Hi, my waterdragon(green) is being treated for mouth fungus with an ointment called BACTROBAN which I put on twice a day recommended by my reptile vet. Treatment started Apr 4 and thing look good. My problem is that she has stopped eating, last meal was Apr 5 were she had 9 crickets and a pinky. I tried every trick that I know ( I've had her for 5 years ) and I'm stuck on what to do. Could I feed her by syringe??? She doesn't seem stressed, she lets me handle her and doesn't struggle when I have to put the ointment on, her temperature in her cage is right on, humidity is good......hope you can suggest something, I'd really hate to lose her.

Try mixing up some poultry based baby food with calcium powder and using a syringe to put it in her mouth. She should swallow it on her own. If she will not swallow your vet may be able to suggest an appetite stimulant to try as well. I hope she starts doing better for you soon.