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small blind snakes aka pottery snake

22 11:51:13

I have discovered these snakes in my home in the past two weeks. While they are small, they are coming from somewhere. I am not sure if it is their season or not as I have lived in the house for six months and have not seen them indoor or outdoor until recently. They creep me out and I am wondering how to get rid of them. It's only one at a time but still an unwelcomed addition.

Hi Tommie,

Finding any wild animal in your house unexpectedly is always startling, even something as small and harmless as those. Lol, you could look at the bright side and be relieved that it is not one of the venomous snakes native to TX that comes visiting!

It may be one of your native blind snakes or the Brahminy blind snake (an introduced  Asian species)  but both have similar characteristics. They live almost entirely underground in soil and loose leaf litter  where they feed on small insects and their larvae.You are unlikely to see them normally but they will surface after a heavy rain.  I have read several accounts of blind snakes ending up in houses and it is usually the kitchen or bathroom. The speculation is that they follow the  moisture of the water pipes and blunder in that way. Lol, I am sure they are not too happy ending up in a house either!
The recommendation I have read is to caulk around the holes in the walls where the water pipes come through.

Keep in mind that one of these snakes' favourtie food sources is termites and their larvae. This makes them a valuable pest control system and also may provide an early warning to you about a possible infestation.