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lazy dragon

22 13:25:50

hi, we were given a bearded dragon about 3 weeks ago. the previous owner could not keep her,she said she was about 5 years old & very friendly(which she is)but she is so lazy ,we even have to literally spoon feed her or she would starve,the previous owner did this also.The beardie layed 15 eggs 2 days ago and has hardly moved since except to drink and lie in her water,we really dont have the time to sit and coax her to eat ,and are wondering if you have any suggestions we are going on holiday for a week soon and no one wants to sit all day trying to feed her ,help !

Well the first thing I would recommend is downloading the free ebook from our site and make sure all the parameters are correct as far as heat etc as this is most likely the issue and I would be willing to bet as well that she is not getting enough calcium as well.