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incubation for leopard geckos

22 14:35:46

Hi Tracie. My female leopard gecko is pregnant and i am feeding her very well. However, i have a question about the incubation for the leopard gecko eggs. What humidity range should i try to keep the incubator in. Like, what percent of humidity should i try to maintain. My current incubator humidity is 68-72 percent. Is this too dry or too wet? Thanks for all your help.

Hello Chris,

So your female has not laid yet?  Is she close to laying then?  Can you see the eggs?
The humidity sounds about right 70% to 80% is fine.  As long as no water can drip onto the eggs that is fine.  Make sure that there is adequate ventilation to allow the condensation from dripping onto the eggs & drowning them.  The temps should be around 82-84 or so.  
Let me know how things are going with them once she lays.  
