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Southeastern Five Lined Skink

22 14:35:46

Hi! I was wondering if you could maybe help me.. I have a young Southeastern Five Lined Skink(3-4 inches long) that I've had for about three weeks. He won't eat. I've tried feeding it meal worms, fruit, lettuce, and a little bit of cat food(which he did eat once). Yesterday I noticed his eyes were a little fuzzy looking. Today they're white and he can't see. What can I do to help the little fellow? I'm really worried. I've searched the web and can't find anything. Thanks.

Hello Felicia, Mealworms have little to no nutritional content and are not a healthy staple. Neither is cat food. And Skinks are carniverous and insectivores meaning only meat no veggies or lettuce and only insects so cat food is not good for them. Try to feed crickets, roaches, or locusts. All of which are good crawling healthy insects. You can also try silkworms and butterworms each are great staples as well.

As for the fuzzy eyes, he needs to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. They depend a lot on their eye sight. Take him directly to the vet as soon as you possibly can. It is a medical problem or irratation. In the mean time try rinsing them out with water. If that doesn't help go to the pet store and get the eye drops made for turtles. They are fine for skinks and just place one drop in each eye that is fuzzy. I hope he is ok but he really needs to see a vet. If you can not find one I know a web site that has reptile vets listed by area. Including the U.S, Canada, some in the UK and other places as well.

Hope I was of some help, hope he gets feeling better