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mountain horned dragon egg laying

22 14:46:41

Hey Diane,I bought my dragon and im about 80% sure its female. Now if this is the case, i want to be prepared for when its time for her to lay eggs, if that should be the case.. Ive heard that she may lay a clutch, but its important to provide her with special care so she doesnt become egg bound.. help?  thank you!

Hi Joey,
Be sure to read the info in the link I gave you prior...specifically
With the comment of "special care" basically, what it means is to be sure she has had all the right care.  Adding  a calcium supplement(or feeding earthworms)  a few more times a week, making sure that she has plenty of exercise by way of  branches to climb, that are more vertical, making sure she has a good diet and has water that she can soak in at her will as they will soak more the closer to egging time.
Be sure to provide an area that she is able to dig down at least 6 inches.   Using sphagnum moss makes a good substrate since its generally free of all "additives" such as peralite and vermiculite.  It holds its shape well when dug in(when moist)If I remember right, the link also gives other good sources of substrate that work the best.
So..basically giving the proper care they require and providing a proper place for her to lay is the best way of preventing her becoming egg bound.  If you see her digging and digging, acting nervous, etc..then its a good bet she is not happy with the area you have provided for her to lay her eggs in.  The soil needs to be dry enough for her to dig in, but moist enough for it to hold shape when she digs. I do recommend a trip to the vet after laying eggs(within a few days) to make sure she has laid all the eggs, especially if she is not acting right in any way at all.