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anole neck lump

22 14:36:20

my female anole has a large lump on her neck that keeps getting larger.  The vet gave her a couple courses of antibiotics which did nothing.  I gave her colloidal silver which also did not help.  Any ideas what this is and how to treat her?  thank you

Hello Val, I am not sure what could be causing it, what it is or how to treat it but I have done some research. Does it look similiar to this (your description was a little vague on details)

Here is something else I found that might help:

Read into these articles and if this sounds like something that your female might have then bring it to your vet's attention. Print it out if you need to. See if he/she agrees.

I hope this helps, sorry I couldn't find more information on it.

Good lucka nd I hope she is ok!