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22 14:27:47

My son just got home from Louisiana where he found three Geckos' and I have no idea how to take care of them. Do they need a heat rock how much water? Right now they are living in a fish aquarium.

Hello Christy,

Hm, well, are they all the same species or type of geckos?  You will find out real quickly if they are males or females.  If you see a couple fighting, you will have to separate because they will most likely be males.  You can't house 2 males together.
Most of the husbandry is across the board for most species of geckos.
You will need an undertank heater for warmth, along with a low wattage basking light on the same end.  They need a temperature on basking or a hot spot of around 88-90 or so, & the cooler side is around 78-82 or so.
You don't absolutely have to have UVB but low output UVB tends to show benefit to them.
Make sure there are at least 2 caves in there.  I would use paper towels or felt to line the bottom of the tank.  Do not use sand, as they get impacted easily.  Keep a dish of calcium in there as well as a water dish.
You can dust the feeders a few times per week too.
The crickets should be small & phoenix worms are good as well.  
Do not use a heat rock, it could burn them.  Also, half logs & other climbing apparatus' are good to use, too.

Let me know how things go.
