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22 14:27:48

i got a good question about beardie heath for ya
i have have a 6mounth old dragon and today it was lying im her cage and i went to check on it today and it was jet black along the back and the whole tail was jet black too
and the chin was the same way and she was dragging her back legs. lying there breathing heavy/rapidly i got all the heat turned off  WHAT CAN I DO?????

Hello Caleb,
I need to know your setup.  What type of UVB light are you using, & what type of basking light do you use?
How do you measure the temps, with a digital probe, a temp gun or a stick on thermometer?
The beard, anytime it turns jet black, they are either in pain or distress if it stays black for an extended period of time.  
It sounds like she has metabolic bone disease which is caused by improper UVB lighting & not enough calcium supplementation.
She needs to see the vet as soon as possible for a bloodtest, to determine blood calcium levels.  

Let me know how he is doing.  I can help you get her all healthy, & direct you to help her eat with assisted feeding when needed.
