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leopard gecko hatched!

22 13:35:39

Heyy i just have a quick question because im a little worried. My little leopard gecko hatched a week ago and finally shed yesterday, but the problem is that hes not eating!
i put crickets in front of it and it just passes by like theyre nothing!
can you please give me some advice?
thank you!

Hi Natalie,

I suspect that he will start in the next couple days as long as your tank temperatures are sufficient, with a hot spot of 85 - 90 F in one end. It can take a week to 10 days for some babies to start feeding and the first shed is often the trigger. As cute as he is, try not to handle him until he starts feeding for you reliably. I assume that he is housed separately as well because the presence of larger leos can certainly intimidate him from eating. One quarter inch crickets are usually the appropriate starter size for hatchling leos. If he is not currently showing interest in crickets then you can also offer 2 or 3 small mealworms or waxworms. Sometimes it just takes a different feeder insect to trigger their appetite. As long as he appears active and alert and otherwise healthy then everything sounds fine. Keep him on paper towel for at least the next several months. I find that babies are particularly prone to sand or other loose particle substrate ingestion.