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Yellow slider turtle

22 13:52:51

Hi Thea, I know you said you have limited experience with turltes but you may be able to help. i rescued a baby yellow slider from a swimming pool, about the size of a quarter. He has lived on our screened patio here in Florida, in a small aquarium (with no filter and hose water, changed frequently) He has grown quite a bit, now about the size of my palm, in about 6 months. It got cold in Florida and at night we brought him inside, but tried to give him sun in the day. Now he stays under water so long I have to check to see if he is still alive. Also he stopped eating. i just found out that they might be hibernating. If this is so what should i do. Leave him underwater in the house? Stop waking him up and putting him in the sun? Let him go in our lake? I want him to live but I don't know the right thing to do. Can you help or direct my question to someone who may be able to help? I would be greatly appreciative! Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Hi Karen,

I have linked a couple turtle rescue organizations in Florida that specialize in rehabilatation and release. They should be able to advise you what course of action will give the little guy the best chance of survival.