Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Bearded dragon eaten a stone

Bearded dragon eaten a stone

22 14:31:46

Hi, my bearded dragon has just eaten a stone from outside, will he be ok? The stone was slightly bigger then a pea, he doesnt seem to be affected by it, but iam really worried? Please help

Hello Leah,

Well, this does happen.  I would watch him closely as to him going to the bathroom.  It could impact him, or it might not.  Did he plain swallow it or chew it?  
I would keep him well hydrated right now, & maybe add some applesauce in with some water or some pumpkin using a plastic dropper to ensure he does go to the bathroom.  Hopefully it wont affect him too much!

Let me know how things go.
