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Tiger salamander hibernating

22 11:53:56

Two months ago a tiger salamander showed up on our back porch. Not knowing at that time the identity of this creature we captured it and put it in a 10gall aquarium with a fresh water supply and moist moss. Albuquerque has an arid climate and I think that this must have been someone's pet so we haven't released it back into the wild. It is not afraid of us at all and seems to expect to be hand fed (on crickets and cockroaches). Lately, as the weather has cooled down the salamander is not so active so do they actually hibernate when in captivity? Also, is this creature indigenous to New Mexico?

Susan,    There is a breed that comes from California. I wish you had sent a pic. I am going to send you a general care sheet for them. He sounds absolutely spoiled and if he or she is eating well I would not let him go now. He may have been someone's pet. It is not in their nature to be people friendly. They are hiders. As far as brumation or in their case it is estivation. They do it in the summer deep in their burrows. It has never been seen that I know of. This is actually their breeding season or time to lay eggs. Lets make sure it has the right temperatures in the tank. No UV lighting only incandescent.  Watch overfeeding obesity is never good for their liver. They do eat less when they are in breeding mode.  Good Luck, Tina