Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > SICK LEOPARD GECKO!!!!


22 14:44:01

Please help my leo is sick I have no clue what to do I fed him mealworms he only ate 3 of the 4 I gave him and he's skinny so is his tale! It looks like my other gecko bit him on his head so I removed him from the cage but Im not sure if it's a bite or not I need help! He's always been really small even when I got him. Should I take him back to where I got him? Help!

Ok Leopard gecko girl, calm down. Take a couple deep breathes. You need to separate him for good from the other leopard gecko. Get him his own tank and heat hides etc. Line the tank with papertowels (NEVER use sand on any leopard gecko) If it is an open wound go get some Neosporin (WITHOUT pain killer!!!)Just plain old anti-biotic ointment. Put a little bit on a q-tip and swab it on the wound. Keep doing this until it scabs. This will help prevent infection. Keep his tank really clean and warm it up a few more degrees. (warmer temps will help him heal faster) It is likely that the other gecko that was with him was to dominant and wouldnt let him eat. The little guy was afraid for his life from the other gecko that he wouldn't eat. This happens alot to reptiles kept in pairs (It happened with my water dragons) So keep them separate and dont let them see eachother. Feed him some small crickets no bigger then the space between his eyes. Meal worms aren't the best thing for him and they have very little nutrients but if he wont go after crickets then offer mealys. It might take him a couple days for him to eat being in a new cage. Because he is unsure of his new home. But he might go right to eating. Lets just be sure that he hasn't gotten anorexic. When was the last time he was eating normal? How long has it been sense he ate anything?

Let me know how it goes and if there is anything else I can do for you. Good luck