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dragon growth

22 14:44:03

Hello! I have a bearded dragon that is just over a year old. He is a male and supposedly a hypo orange cross even though he is normal colored. ( that's just what the pet store told me)Anyways, he is 16 inches from nose to tail and i was just wondering if he is going to keep growing? I would like him to be a nice big size.I know they live anywhere from 2-12 years. He is in a 50 gallon tank, eats like a savage (veggies and bugs!!) he gets a calcium supplement everyday and lots of light, and exercise. He is free to roam the house supervised while i am home. So i was just wondering how old they have to be when they are considered to be full grown???? thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.

 Hi Teagan,
  As far as color, that sometimes happens, sometimes some siblings show the color, some do not.  A dragon is a full adult at 18 months old, so your baby ahs a good six months of growing and filling out to do.
 At his age, his calcium supplement can be cut down to three times a week.  Remember to change his UVB tube every 6 months, and stay away from the compact tubes, we are hearing dragons are experiencing bad eye inflamations from its use.