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vet thinks parasites

22 14:32:46

I have an appointment Sat is there any thing I can do 2 get nutrients in my water dragon. he wont eat mouth is more white than pink hes drinking plenty of water lethargic just need pointers 2 keep him alive till I get him 2 the vet or am I in crisis now

Hi Ray, I hope you don't mind but your other question you asked I have entered as "outside of my expertise" I will answer both of your questions in this answer.

Not eating could be a result of many things, the film over his eyes could be many things as well, most likely part of his shedding.

It could be parasites if his feces is runny, or appears to have worm like creatures in it, then it is. Your vet probably asked for 2-3 samples of the fecal matter to be tested correct? You should take multiple samples when possible because sometimes they dont find anything in one sample when in fact they do have them. So be sure and take a few samples.

As for nutrients, if he is not eating then you need tohelp him. If you cant hand feed him crickets, worms, or plant matter then blend them up in a blendy and put them in a plastic syringe and hand feed him that way. Gently put it in his mouth and slowly insert the blended food items. If no syringe just use your fingers put it on his lips and he will lick at it to get it off.

If blending up worms and crickets doesn't sound like your kind of deal then go to the store and buy baby food. The mushy kind and chicken flavor. No chicken gravy just chicken. If there isn't any pure chicken (check the ingredients) then get a chicken vegetable. But a vegetable that are suitable for the water dragon like sweet potato. So chicken or chicken vegetable. Be sure the ingredients dont mention any salt or preservatives. Use the syringe method or use your finger and try to get him to eat it.

Best of luck,