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Leopard gecko stuck skin

22 14:03:30

My leopard gecko has stuck shed on the top of his head.The skin is very tight around his eyes.I've tried a couple of things.The humidity is 80 regularly.People have told me to put Vaseline on him but im afraid he'll eat it.Another thing was a Q-tip try and rub it off but what if he bites the Q-tip and swallows the cotton?Please help im not sure what to do?

Hello Liv,

Hm, stuck shed.  Ok, you could try soaking him in a bath & misting him a little bit.
Aloe vera works pretty well also, & if you put just a thin layer of it that should help moisturize the area enough to help the skin come off.
I don't think that he will bite the q-tip though, but you would have to be quick.  
