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bearded dragons & crickets

22 14:31:10

my beardie wont eat crickets, i give him them every day and i end up taking them out because he wont have nothing to do with them. i feed him lots of salad. i had to start giving him more mealworms to make up for loss of crickets. whats wrong? thanks amanda.

 I wouldn't give mealworms to a beardie unless they were freshly shed ones.  There are other insects that will work, even for babies.  If he is eating his salad, that is great!  You can order phoenix worms, silkworms, butterworms, and if he is larger than 12" long, zephoba (superworms).
 Many beardies sometimes lose the taste for an insect like crickets and then after a year or so, will again eat them happily.  Variety is always a good way to keep a beardie interested.