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Breeding Cage

22 14:42:05

Ok i have already talked Dian and she was great help but i was wondering about cage i know i need a cage thats  big enough for two lizards (such as 50 gallon or so) but what kind do you sujest for this a kind of mesh cage, glass or build my own and if build my cage what should i do such as wood or plastic intrior dimensions and set up for plants i know silk plants are good but i like the live kind but i dont know what kind of web sit to go to, to see if the are ok for my chameleon? and yes i have a pic of her but yeah thanks bye.

You should never keep chameleons in glass cages.  To answer the other parts of your question I'd have to know what species of chameleon you have you could also ask your local nursery what kind of plants they suggest just be sure to explain to them they will be for a terrarium where live animals are present.

As a side note setting up a live planted terrarium can be quite a pain and adds alot of work as you're now making an effort to keep not only your lizards alive but also the plants alive and healthy while the lizards are knocking things over and the crickets nibbling at the leaves.