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rattlesnake repellent

22 15:10:08

Is it true that certain plants in the garden will repel rattlesnakes? If so, what are they?

Hi Lisa Ortega,

   To be honest with you, Rattlesnakes are pretty much use to anything that they are going around of.. I don't useually don't know any garden planets that Rattlesnakes don't like to be around in. I have never heard of this before..I have never had anyone asked me this question before. I know that all Rattlesnakes don't like is catcus..Because it sharp and they can't stand being around the throning bushes. That's the only thing I know. Other than that they pretty much don't have a garden plants that they don't like being around. This pretty much all I know about what rattlesnakes don't like.

   I hope this helps  a little bit.

                 Sincerely Yours,
                 Cecelia Ericson
( American Inter. Rattlesnake Museum Of Albuquerque,NM )