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feeding gold skinks

22 15:10:08

Followup To
Question -
What Vegetables can golden skinks eat?
Answer -
thank you for your question.
You can feed ripe fruit occasionally (most fruit are higher in phosphorus than calcium and shouldn't be fed too often). Leavy greens like dandelion (including the bloom), collard, kale (mangold), basil and parsley or vegetables like squash, zucchini and green beans have a better C:P ratio and can be fed more often.
Look here for a list of fruit and vegetables than can be fed (ordered by C:P ratio):

I hope I was of some help

So I can just go pick a dandelion from the yard for him to eat?

yes, if you are sure that no-one uses any pesticides in or near the yard and if there is no main street directly near it, that's perfectly okay.
There are a lot more plants growing in the wild that can be fed like chickweed, clover, stinging nettle (first douse with hot water), daisy or rowan berries. If you can get a book on plants that can be fed to parrots or other exotic birds, you can feed all of the plants mentioned to you skink. Or look for a book or website on plants/herbs that can be eaten by humans (ask in your local library, they should be able to help you).
I hope I was of some help