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Bearded Dragon Stool

22 13:35:07

I recently purchased a bearded dragon from someone. They said she's about a year & a half years old. However, she didn't poop until two days later & when she did, it was fairly watery. When i got her, i noticed they had spinach in her dish & i believe i read it should given "sparingly" but i think they gave it on a daily basis. Could this be the cause? I have since changed her to kale, mustard, turnips, with carrots or kiwi here & there. I've given her 2-3 super worms & a couple of small crickets since my leos wont eat them.


Hello Ashley,

Yes, spinach should be given sparingly but I don't think that would cause a watery stool.  The culprits of watery stools are usually romaine lettuce, iceberg lettuce, red & green leaf lettuce & too much fruit.  
The mustard greens, turnip greens, collard greens, dandelion greens, endive & escarole are all good staples for greens.  Kale can be fed sometimes but not as a regular staple because it is higher in oxalates which bind calcium absorption.  
The kiwi should be fed rarely due to the high oxalate content as well.  Some better choices for fruit would be blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, melons, & apples are ok.  
Since you have not had her for very long she may be going through relocation stress which will increase the worm & parasite levels so wait another week or two & then get a fecal done on her.  
Is she eating pretty well right now?
