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Eastern box turtles

22 14:26:39

I have had a box turtle that I found about a year now and recently a friend of mine found another one.  I put the newly found turtle in with Mervie, the one I have had and immediately Mervie seems to go after her and tries to bite and attack her by going on top of her and holding her or attaching himself on top of her with all fours.  I don't understand what he's doing and I don't want him to hurt the other turtle. Is this normal?  Is he claiming his territory or should I separate them?

Thank you for your help in advance.


It's called mating behavior if one is male and the other female. If the setup is too small or he continues to do this all the time, yes he may hurt her or stress her out, which can make her ill. If it is two males, then it could be territorial aggression.

I do not support taking of wild animals to make pets of if you do not understand them, and it sounds as if you are behind the learning curve. I recommend that both these turtles be released right back in the same place they were taken from before you kill them. They are home range specific and need to go back to the respective locations. Box turtles populations are dwindling, and this kind of collection is what is leading to their decline.

Reptile keeping 101 is to not introduce a new animal from the wild right in with another one that has resided any length of time in captivity. You are not following quarantine procedures, and this is irresponsible.  

At the very least you need to do some reading. ( ) Also, per my instructions to questioners...this sort of question could have been answered within 5 minutes on Google if you had looked.