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will my beardies ever get along?

22 14:24:13

So I went out to buy another bearded dragon intending to get a friend for the one i already had.  The new one is about half the size of him and when i put them together they seemed fine then the little one started waving alot and bobbing his head.  Meanwhile the bigger one was just watching him then after like 20 minutes he bit the little one and it took off under a stick and just layed there so i took him out and went and bought a little temp. tank hoping that by the time i get my 50 gallon they will be able to live together. i always take them out together and they seem fine. also the little one is about the size of my finger probably like 4-5 inches counting the tail. It seemed like the little one was getting cocky and the bigger one just kinda showed him who was boss.  The guy at the pet store said give it a month. do you think they will ever be able to live together. (i do not know their sexs)

Dear Keith,
thank you for your question.
You will need a second tank for the smaller dragon as soon as possible. Bearded dragons are capable of eating huge prey and they will cannibalize another dragon if it's smaller. Another dragon half their own size is no problem for a dragon and it's absolutely possible that the new dragon will get eaten.

You can try to put them together when the new dragon is adult and about the size of the old one, maybe 2 inches shorter, but no less. By that time you wil be able to sex both of them and if they are both males, there's no way they will live together. Male dragon will fight each other and if the weaker animal cannot escape, it may get killed.

If you have a male and a female, try rearranging the tank before introducing them so that none of them knows the terrain so to speak.
A 50 gallon is too small for two dragons, though. It's the minimum one adult dragon needs, but I think it's too small. I wouldn't house a single dragon in anything less than a 70g. I recommend building your own wooden enclosure, it's not that hard and cheaper than buying glass tanks, it will also keep the heat in much better than glass and safe on your electricity.

Here's a picture of my dragon terrarium, build from OSB panels in an aluminium frame (about 340g, 7x3x3' long, wide and high):
It's also possible to convert cupboards or wardrobes into dragon enclosures, the wood needs to be sealed with epoxy resin or several layers of acryllic paint to make them waterproof.

I hope I was of some help to you