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Red ear slider

22 11:50:09

Hi I have a red ear slider don't know it's age or's been with me for about two years now. Suddenly I saw this thing producing but I m unable to make out if it's a intestinal prolapse or fanning or anything else. It's been 24 hrs that it's been the same, there was a little blood spoofing earlier but now stopped. Pls help me ASAP and if I need to take it to vet what needs to be do e because we don't have a marine or turtle expert here in India.

Hello Sulbha,

Do you have a picture of that by chance?
It could be a hemipenis prolapse possibly but not positive.
Are you providing a UVB source for your red ear slider, along with calcium?

What are the temperatures in the tank for him?
What do you feed him?
