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New Puppy - WD Not Eating

22 14:34:05


Charlies Second Favori
Hi Yexalen,

First, thank you for your quick response.  I am pretty sure he is a male I am attaching a picture of him(?) for your opinion.  I have had Charlie about 2 1/5 years & he is approximately 3 foot (Although I have never actually measured him, he is the entire length of my arm).  I live in Florida so humidity is usu. pretty good, however can drop from time to time, so I always mist AT LEAST 2-3 times a day as well as keep live plants & lots o' water.  I ma very very familiar with Tricia's site & keep the temps per her guidelines, 85-90 during day, with higher basking areas, & 75-80 at night.   

He is indeed remaining plump.  I rubbed all over his groin & belly just this morning to see if he had any pain or abnormal swelling, but found nothing.  My husbaand & I were in fact just discussing that it was unusual that he has exhibited no weight loss.

Unfortunately his enclosure is too large to move anywhere he can be completely isolated from the puppy.  I have a large screened in Florida room where this picture was taken & I put him out there this weekend, but he wanted back in after only a half hour or so. Please let me know what your thoughts are and thanks again for your help!!!

Hi Cherise, your welcome. The picture seems like it may be male judging by the spikes on the back but the crest and definately the head size seems female. But if you checked for swelling and such you would have realized if he was carrying eggs. Also the fact that you have had him for so long makes me think he would have already laid eggs. But if you have a picture of his underside near the vent so I can see the pores I could give you a definate answer on the gender.

It could just be because of the puppy, is there any way that you can remove him from the room while feeding?

It may take some more time for him to get into the eating habits while he is around. I have no personal experience with this matter (None of my reptiles have ever seen a furry animal) They can go a couple weeks without eating but keep offering food. Do you hand feed him? Maybe he catches the scent of the puppy while feeding?

Let me know and see if you can get a picture for me.