Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Help-Nasty Baby Bearded Dragon

Help-Nasty Baby Bearded Dragon

22 14:28:55

QUESTION: About 2 months ago I purchased my first bearded dragon.  Initially it went thru relocation stress-ate very little  was kind of quiet.  Then after a few weeks he became very aggressive.  He opens his mouth, puffs up his beard when you try to pick him up and at first ran away.  Now sometimes he leaps towards us like he is going to bite.  We tried to put parsley in his mouth when he does that but he continues.  We pet him and after a few minutes he calms down even closes his eyes when you scratch his head.  When we put him down he runs away.  Any advice on how to stop this aggression???

ANSWER:   Regularly place you hand in the habitat and allow him to get used to your hand and your smell.  Make everu movement slow.  Try and scoop him up from below and not from above the way predators would.  Hold him till he calms down.  With a lot of regular attention and handling he will calm down.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How often do you recommend handling?  We have been doing it once a day.  Also how long does it usually take to tame a nasty dragon?  We love him and want to makle sure that he grows into a docile adult.

 A couple of times a day, especially just before lights out or lights on when they are a bit cool may give you advantage.  I would consider as they get more used to you, get a leash for him like the Four Paws brand and start shoulder training, get him out in the sun and on visits, the more you do things with him, even watching TV, the more bonded to you he will become.