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Me again

22 13:28:24

Hi Tracie

It is bailey with another question. Bowser doesnt poop regularly and seems to be bloated. I was just wondering how i could help with this.

Also I would like to tell you that I did what you recommended. I got him a UVB 10.0, a thermometer, new foods and paper towels as his substrate instead of wood.

I would really like if you could tell me what is going on with bowser, and if i can help him in any way?

Hello Bailey,

Great that you got his setup changed around for him!  :-)
How long has he not been going to the bathroom regularly for now?
It is a possibility he could have a slight calcium deficiency since he did not have good UVB previously.  Calcium deficiency will affect their stools.  The reason is because the GI tract is operated by calcium & potassium ions.  The smooth muscles operate with the help of calcium to help with muscular contraction.
Reptiles do everything slowly.  They show illness slowly & most times, they recover slowly.  
How is his appetite coming along?  
Did you try the canned pumpkin, sugar free applesauce & a drop or two of olive or mineral oil for him, daily?  Mix those together, to make a little slurry for him.  Try to get him to take at least 1-2mls through a plastic dropper or syringe daily.  Add some extra water to his daily intake as well, to help make sure he is hydrated.

Please let me know how he is doing.
