Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Leopard gecko gravid?

Leopard gecko gravid?

22 14:09:51

QUESTION: Hi, i recently asked one of your other experts about my leopard gecko being
gravid. I just wanted to get a second opinion.

My leopard gecko has gained about 3 grams in the past week and i am
starting to see pink round spots on her stomach, looking similar to eggs.
The only thing is i am not sure if they are egg or egg follicles ( i do not know
what egg follicles are, my friend, a past breeder said they might be egg
here is a picture of her:
it is very hard to tell, but when i see her there are bumps and pink round
things. They are alot clearer in person.
If you can tell me what you think she is going through, thanks!

ANSWER: Hi Sherri,
Egg follicles are basically fluid filled sacs..for lack of a better term.."pre eggs"
In the picture its really hard to tell, but follicles are generally smaller than the actual formed eggs. To me, it looks like she is forming eggs..they are past follicles but not fully developed eggs yet. The only sure way to know now is a vet check up and an x ray or ultra sound to know at what stage the eggs are at.
Here is a link to just forming eggs..and formed eggs.
(Scroll down the page there)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, i looked at the picture on the website, then at my gecko and it looks very
similar. Should i wait a week to see, and if she is then should i get everything
ready, ex. incubator, something to lay her in etc.
or should i set some stuff up now just in case?

ANSWER: Hi Sherri,
I would get everything around now because its better to be early than late!!! That way, she also has a chance to get used to what you have given her and time for you to change it if she doesn't approve!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: also, what are the chance of the eggs being fertile?
this is her first time ever laying eggs, and i heard that their first eggs ever are

Hi Sherri,
Tough call actually...
it depends on if she was with a male of course...if she wasn't, I'm sure you know they aren't fertile.
It also depends on her age and the males age many times.  Of course their health and care.
Don't forget, they do lay more than one clutch a even if you don't get any fertile eggs this clutch, there is always the next one..or the one after that..or the one after that!!
If she has two eggs, maybe one will be fertile..its a crap shoot for sure and even more so with first time layers.  The older are (2 yrs or older seems to be the best time)the better chance of fertile eggs.