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Air bubbles behind legs?

22 11:59:47

Hi. I have a one and a half year old female leopard gecko. She has been happy and healthy with no problems at all, until now. She has recently developed, what can best be described as, air pockets behind her front legs. They are not firm or hard. They are more like deflated balloons with very little air in them. When she walks, her legs rub against them and they "inflate".
(Also..For the past couple weeks, she has refused to eat any crickets and will only eat meal worms. the person who owns the store where I got her said she is addicted to meal worms and that I need to "starve her off of them" until she will eat her crickets again.)
I realize this sounds a little confusing but this is the only way i can think of describing this.
They don't seem to bother her at all but it's just really worrying me.

Please help. Thank you.

Hello Jordan,

Are you referring to the area underneath her underarms?  
That is probably going to be her fat pads.  Do you have any pictures of that for me?
Well, the mealies are alright for her, they usually love them.  Is she losing weight right now?  You can mix things up & try to get her to eat crickets as well as worms if that works at all.   
You can try giving some phoenix worms, which are a little lower in fat for her.
