Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Bearded Dragons ear membrane does not look normal

Bearded Dragons ear membrane does not look normal

22 11:53:58

QUESTION: Hello Tracie,
I have a Bearded Dragon which is about 5 months old and I noticed that one of his ears does not look right. It looks as if it is not shedding right. The normal ear is pink and translucent, but the bad one seems whitish. When he sheds I have been removing excess skin that I can remove with a Q-Tip. His behavior seems perfectly normal, he is not off balance, and he eats very very well. I was curious what you would recommend. Thank you very much =]

ANSWER: Hello Brett,

Do you have any pictures of that ear which is not looking right?
Is the shed retained that you can tell?  You can try using some antibiotic ointment very very lightly with a swab to see if it helps moisturize the area in case it is retained for some reason.
Have you bathed him lately to see if that may help out also?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Brocks\' Ear
Brocks' Ear  
QUESTION: Here is a photo.. I think it may be retained skin but it has been like this for at least his last 4-5 sheds. I do bath him, he gets a rinsing for about 15 minutes every 3rd day or so. I'm hesitant to apply anything to him because I don't want to harm him if what I think is bothering him is actually causing no harm. I know herp vets are not cheap so I am avoiding that unless I see his health deteriorate. I really appreciate your help, hopefully the photo will help even more.

Hello Brett,

I understand, it may not be anything to worry about.
It appears to be retained shed possibly so you have to be very careful about manipulating the area anymore than you have to so you don't tear the tympanic membrane leaving an exposed hole.
Maybe right now, increase his baths for awhile.  What does his humidity in his tank run?

Since he is acting fine, it apparently is not bothering him any right now.  As long as he is eating well & not appearing to lose weight, then hopefully the area will eventually slough off.

Let me know how he is doing.