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Anoles and other reptiles

22 14:42:23

I have a huge tank that used to house my old iguana who died a couple of weeks ago, now i am looking into getting some anoles, but i was wondering, one: is there such thing as to big of a tank for them and two: can i put any other reptiles in the cage with them, as the anoles are small, i was wondering if i could get another type of lizard to put in the cage with him, without worrying about them fighting

Cody,                                                        You can make a wonderful terarrium. You could put some anoles and swifts. Maybe a long tailed lizard or three.Because your anoles are small I would stay away from frogs and such. I had senagul chameleons with mine. They stayed high in the branches of my 45 gallon tank. I hand rocks and plants. If you put them in there you are going to need a waterfall system or drip system. They will not drink still water. Good Luck, Tina