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leo food

22 13:27:33

Okay I'm new to leopard geckos and I'm in the works of purchasing a 1.3 you probly all ready know but that's a male and there females but my question is I'm thinking of feeding them meal worms instead of crickets how do i know how big of a work to get for them?

Hi Jason,
You don't say how old they are but I am guessing babies.  You don't want to feed them anything wider than the space between their eyes, nor about 3/4 the length of their head. Smaller insects are always better. A word of caution on feeding a lot of meal worms.  They do contain a large amount of outer body shell which doesn't digest and can cause impactions and blockages..this is likely to happen with small leos and its recommended that until they are bigger(4 mos or so) that they are not fed mealworms..but have a diet of crickets and other soft bodied insects.  The size of the insect is the same for all insects.Be sure to properly gut load both mealworms, and crickets properly prior to feeding to the leos.  Those gels do not contain the nutrition the insects need to support the leos. Feeding the insects grains, special mashes designed for the insect, vegetables, etc are recommended.
If you raise your own mealworms, its easy to have a supply of freshly shed mealworms. They are the ones that are almost white in color and since they just shed, do not have the hard outer body.
If you plan on housing all those leos together, you can have problems as they may not get along. You will also have the problem of the females getting bred too early, and the male breeding too early. When they are less than 18-24 months, there is more risk of the male prolapsing and the females having problems laying eggs..both of which can be deadly and or expensive for a surgery.
Its best to keep your females seperate from the male and when the time comes to breed them, place a female with him.
With 3 females, you will have to be sure you have a large enough tank...I recommend a 20 gallon for one leo as to get the proper temperature zones..for 3 I would go to something that is longer so they all can have their own "space" if needed. Always be prepared to seperate even the girls as they may not all get along.