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Bearded Dragon and Leopard Gecko

22 14:17:15

I currently have a leopard gecko and i was thinking of getting a bearded dragon.  Can I put my gecko in the same tank as the bearded dragon?  Will the dragon try to eat the gecko?  Will my gecko get too scared or annoyed?  I'd like for my gecko to have some company but not if it's going to hurt either one of them.

Hi JJ, They will definitely have to be housed separately. Beardeds are not good choices for any type of mixed community tank. At best, the gecko would be continually stressed by the presence of a (eventually) larger lizard. The health of reptiles living under constant stress will usually decline quickly even if the environment and diet are fine. At worse, your leo could be seriously injured or killed by the bearded.
The good news is that your leo is perfectly happy living solo. They are not social animals (like birds) that require any company to ensure a good quality of life.