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My lizard on vacations???

22 14:47:37


I'm planning to buy a lizard (an armadillo lizard to be exact) but before I do, I have a question:

What should I do when i want to go out on vacation? I usually take 1-2 weeks off.

Is there something like boarding for reptiles??
Do you recommend taking it with me?
Can I just ask my friend to take care of him?
If so, should I move he container to his house or should he come to mine to feed and clean my lizard??

Thanks for you time,

Hello there arent many boarding kennels that take exotics there are however people called pet sitters who will come feed/water/change your pets when you away. It is easiest for the lizard and less stressful to keep the tank in one spot and not have to shift it to yuor friend and back so having someone able to come feed him would be better.