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Yellow striped plated lizards

22 14:45:49

I'm not sure if you know much about this type of lizard but hopefully you can help. I bought 3 plated lizards in april this year. I know they are full adult size they range from 16-19 inches in length. I bought all three of them because at the pet store i bought them from (superpetz) they had them in the same cage and figured they would be fine together. Well first i dont know how to tell if they are male or female. but i do know that one of them got injured and slowly but surely died. I dont know if it was because there was 2 males and they didnt get along or what. But right now my mom thinks that one of them is pregnant and stays burried all the time while the other one is always running around on the look out and bringing food to the other one. im not sure what that could be though. their in her care because im in iraq right now and cant  be there. but mainly i want to know how do you tell male from female and whats good to feed them because my moms been feeding them like 50 crickets every two days and fruit on the days shes not feeding it crickets and then sometimes skips a cricket day and gives it meal worms or pinkie mice. but i was reading that fruit that often isnt good for lizards because its high in phosphorus. also i think she uses cedar chips for the bedding..i was thinking that because this type of lizard likes to dig maybe she should mix in non fertilized soil with it. just looking for some expert advice in this. thanks again.

Hello Micheau, I do know some stuff about plated lizards and I would be glad to help. These lizards are hard to sex but the males will have bumps on the underside of their back legs. Almost like a fringe. Some females have these too but thiers are much smaller. That and males usually are larger in size compared to a female. Here is a really good schedule for feeding, you can change the days around but this is a healthy diet plan
Monday: Crickets (10 each)
Tuesday: Fruit
Wednesday: Crickets (10 each)
Thursday: Fruit
Friday: Crickets (10 each)
Saturday: Fruit
Sunday: Pinkies (1-2 each)

Now fruits are actually really high in natural sugars. You can look up the nutritional content of fruits and try to find ones that aren't too sugary. Here are some good foods
Crickets, mealworms, pinkies, pineapple, pear, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and mango. I hope that helps some. Remember everybody likes variety in their meals! So mix it up a bit. Cedar chips aren't too good. If you use soemthing like orchid bark thats better. Or something called "Eco-Earth" Its found at most pet stores and it comes in a compressed block. All it is is coconut fiber and you soak it in warm water and it expands. I use it for all of my reptiles. Its really natural, its healthy and they can dig and bury themselves easily. Organic soil is also a good choice, but can be more spendy in places.
I hope I was of some help, let me know if you need more information or clarification. Good luck and sorry to hear about the one dying I hope the other two are doing good.