Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Chuckwalla with swollen stomach

Chuckwalla with swollen stomach

22 13:28:18

Our chuckwalla who has been very healthy until this morning, when we noticed his stomach looked swollen (almost inflated in appearance). What could this be a sign of or is it normal?

Hello Monica,

Can you send me a few pictures of your Chuckwalla please?
How old is your Chuckwalla, is it a male or a female?  
No a bloated or swollen appearance is not normal.  What type of substrate is he on?
Do you use UVB lighting, & if so, what type & brand do you use?  A fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
What are the temperatures in the tank?

He could have metabolic bone disease, or he could be impacted if you are using loose substrate possibly.  
What do you feed him?
