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Ive Got everything

22 11:51:21

Hello Tracie,
I have everything I need for the medication and I will go to my local supermarket for the soy yogurt.By the way when should i use the priobotics? I wouldn't want it to interfiere with the antibiotics. How should I use the soy yogurt?Should I mix it with vegetables or am I suppose to feed it by itself? Nevermind about the question of how much should I use because on my research at I found out how much I need to provide.But do I place the baytril in the nubelizer mixed with water or do I insert the baytril pure?for how long again? I saw on youtube a clip of how this owner used the nubelizer on his snake which gave me an idea of how to use it,but he mixed it with water.The clip is named after"treating reptile respitory infection" Is this video similiar to what I should be doing? One question I've answered myself according to this video is that I oughtta take the sick dragon and put him in a enclosed tank or shelter I'm assuming.Tracie please get back to me.I'm waiting and looking for the heads up so I can proceed as soon as possible because this morning before I went to work I heard him cough and poop.Then he got off the log and started shaking his head from left to right until he coughed up more poop from his mouth and continued coughing as he would open and close his mouth jamming his teeth as if he was eating sand which was the wierdest thing I had ever seen or heard of from dragons.Then he had his mouth open for a while with his tongue moving front and back.As I saw him do these crazy things I immediately turned on all his lights and placed him under the basking light on the rock.He remained puffed out for a little while and then he went back to normal.So I had to go to work an hour late to make sure he felt better.I came back for lunch and after work and he seem to be normal again looking healthy except for the few coughs he does daily.He is still eating but pooping like in a liquid shape looking like diaheria but I'm not sure if it is beacause its very green.Thank you very much for your time and please help me end this poor guy's suffering

Hello Antone,

Yes, mix 10mgs of the Baytril with 1ml of water in the medicine cup.  If you got the 100mg/ml or 10% Baytril that would be 1/10th of a ml of Baytril.  
The non dairy soy yogurt can be given later in the day or not close to the time the medication/nebulizer treatment is given.  You can mix it with his greens or just use syringe or dropper to give to him.  
Which substrate do you have in the tank, paper towels?  
How is his coloring, is his beard normal colored or darker a lot of the times?  
Let me know if you are able to get a little incubator type of enclosure set up.  You can use just a small plastic bin & cut a hole in it to put the hose through, then seal around the hole.  It makes a pretty good little incubator enclosure.
