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African Clawed Frogs

22 14:41:10

i just got 2 African clawed frogs for Christmas and my mom says they give you warts if they pee on you. i wanna know if that's true; could African clawed frogs give you warts if they pee on you?

Hi Tiffanie, That is something that has been believed by many people for many years, about both frogs and especially toads. My mom used to tell me that when I was a kid as well but it is not true. I think my mother told me that to try to stop me from picking up frogs and toads and bringing them in the house all the time!
The reason that you should be very careful handling your frogs and do it only occasionally is that it can actually harm them. The natural salts and oils on your skin can  damage their fragile skin and cause them to develop infections. Wash and rinse your hands well before and after handling your frog to keep both the frogs and your mom happy.