Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > PSI of an average snake bite

PSI of an average snake bite

22 13:30:01

Hi Tracie - We are an inspection company that has been asked to check the quality of snake boots, to ensure that they cannot be pierced by a snake bite during use.  Would you know the average or range of the PSI of a snake bite?  I would assume that larger or more aggressive snakes have stronger bites, so the more information you can give the better!  Thank you so much.  (I am also an "AllExperts Expert" on quality control and China.  - Andrew

Hello Andrew,

Wow, that is a question!  LOL  How interesting.
Offhand no, I don't know the PSI of an average snake bite.  You might try the website for the Australian Zoo though.  Steve Irwin most likely could tell you all of that, if he were still alive.  His site though has a lot of interesting facts.  
I will try to do some research as well.
