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gecko/water dragon

22 14:53:00

Hello i cant seem to find much info on line,just wanted to know if it is safe to put  a Water Dragon in the same tank as a Leopard gecko, I asked at the pet store but the girl was new and did not really know much about it.

Hi Clayton,
Leopard geckos and a water dragon CAN NOT be housed together. Leopard geckos are desert dwelling, needing a very low humidity and water dragons, as their name imply, need a very humid place to live with access to water that they can swim in. Leopard Geckos are also nocturnal with the water dragons are active during the day.  A leopard gecko can live in a 20 gallon tank...a water dragon needs a cage that it at least 5 ft high, and about 5 ft or more long. To try and house the two species together would cause serious health problems to both.
There really are no species that should be housed together for many reasons.  Care varies with species...such as humidity, diet, uvb, temperatures...etc
Most pet stores have no or very little correct knowledge as to the care needed for the reptiles they sell
For more information on keeping leopard geckos, please see and for more info on keeping water dragons,

If you need more information on a species...give a shout!!