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hatchling bearded dragon

22 14:24:54

we have been breeding our 2 bearded dragons she has laid 3 clutches all have been fine but one of her eggs hatched today and the hatchlings face hasnt formed on 1 side and he also looks blind in 1 eye

Hi Leanne

I am so sorry to read of the problems with your Beardie hatchling

The baby sounds like that for some reason-temp fluctuation in the incubator- or some other unknowngenetic reason that it was not fully formed before it hatched

I don't know if it will be capable of feeding itself or if it will even last the first 24 hours

Reptiles are surprising with what deformities that they can overcome but if his face is not fully formed-I'm so sorry to say that he will most likely not survive

Good luck with the rest of your babies

BTW-were the parents eating mealworms at all before the eggs were laid ?
just curious

Take Care
Sandy aka LadyGecko